By Bill Seremetis, 15 May, 2013

Every now and then a customer comes to me with a lot of JPEG formated files that need to be optimized for online use. The main reason for optimizing them is to use them online, or to burn them to a DVD that doesn't require them to be on top quality. I do that often when creating static web-sites that live inside the DVD and are given to visitors on seminars.

There is a command line tool available under Linux that allows you to optimize all images in a given directory with a very simple command. Say hello to jpegoptim.

By Bill Seremetis, 14 January, 2012

Sometimes it is usefull ot provide previous/next links from the node you are reading. Customers love it, people love it and it is more compact than a "Latest News" list from views.

There is somecode laying around the net for doing this sort of thing but most of it is for Drupal 6 or isn't very well written.

I adapted some of the snippets I found on the net to create the following:

By Bill Seremetis, 7 July, 2011

Translating Drupal is easier nowdays than it was two years ago. Gábor Hojtsy has helped a lot and LDO is a really cool platform for translating Drupal.

But what happens when you need to translate things on your site? Things not available through the "Translate Interface" of i8n?
One such thing is the Allowed values list in CCK Fields. The solution is really easy and is done by using a few easy lines of PHP code.

By Bill Seremetis, 6 June, 2011

I've been working with a photographer lately... again! Many of my clients are photographers so this wasn't a surprise for me.
Photographers have a special way of observing things, especially when it comes to design! So he naturally asked about using his favorite fonts on his brand-new site. You guessed it, he wasn't talking about web-fonts.

By Bill Seremetis, 10 March, 2011

I've been using Drush for a long time, but I never tried Drush Make until now. Drush Make is an addon to Drush that allows you to build a website from a .make file downloading required files from various sources. Drush make will parse the .make file and will follow all directions in it. The readme file of drush make explains its capabilities in great detail:

Downloading Drupal core, as well as contrib modules from

By Bill Seremetis, 3 February, 2011

Έτυχε πριν λίγο να δω την ιστοσελίδα μιας εταιρίας που φτιάχνει ιστοσελίδες, δηλαδή την ίδια δουλειά με εμένα. Δεν έκατσα να διαβάσω όλα τους τα κείμενα ούτε να δω αν δίνουν κάτι παραπάνω στο hosting από αυτό που συνηθίζεται στην αγορά. Ξέρω ότι πάνω κάτω όλοι τις ίδιες παροχές κάνουμε. Είδα όμως τον τιμοκατάλογό τους και πρόσεξα ότι (όπως πολλοί άλλοι) χρεώνουν τον πελάτη με την σελίδα!

By Bill Seremetis, 19 January, 2011

A few months ago Dimkas designed my new logo, the superhero guy you see on my page. A logo that definately makes people think of power and comics.

Suddenly HTML 5 publishes its logo today. A logo that makes people think... the same things!